Give Your Smile The Healthiest Gums To Smile Upon

Gum disease can be tough to spot. If you have noticed your gums are sore, or bleed when you brush, you have likely already entered into the early stages of periodontal disease.

Gum disease or periodontal disease is the inflammation and infection of tissues surrounding your teeth in response to bacterial biofilms, plaque and tartar on the tooth's surface and around the roots.

The recommended treatment for progressive or persistent gum disease is Medicated Tissue Conditioning from our Maple dental clinic. It is designed to promote rapid healing of your gums and tooth-supporting tissue. By removing the built up plaque and tartar around your teeth and under the gums, your body is able to heal and stop the disease.

Minor gum problems can turn into oral care catastrophes over time, so act fast to save yourself money, pain, and suffering!

Look Out For Signs Of Gingivitis And Periodontal Disease

Here are some of the most noticeable symptoms that will stand out if you have moderate to severe gingivitis:

  • Gums are appearing red and/or swollen
  • Gums are bleeding when brushing or flossing.

And here are some of the most noticeable symptoms that will stand out if you have early periodontal disease:

  • Your gums are receding (teeth look longer).

In any case, see your local dentist for the best treatment to maintain your oral health.

Your Gums' Worst Enemy — Gingivitis and Periodontal Disease

Gingivitis or periodontal disease that is allowed to progress will cause your gums to become more tender and painful. Continual loss of the bone holding your teeth will result in your teeth becoming loose, making it difficult to chew food.

As the process and disease continue your teeth will loosen to the point where they must be removed. As the bone erodes and the disease becomes even more severe, treatment will become less predictable or successful in stopping the disease.

In severe cases your teeth may need to be removed, even after treatment if delayed for too long. Efforts to replace your missing teeth in the presence or following severe periodontal disease are often very difficult and carry more complexity.

Medicated Tissue Conditioning — A Procedure Dedicated to Revitalizing Your Gums

Your gums are just as important as your teeth. This procedure of MTC will help you recover stronger gums.

Your treatment begins with topical anesthetic being applied to the gums before-hand which allows comfort during treatment. It is usually performed over two appointments (half your mouth each visit).

Conventional local anesthetic will be necessary in case your gums are severely tender or inflamed. Minor soreness may occur for 2-3 days following treatment, but it is easily managed with Tylenol or Advil.

There will be a follow-up appointment 3 months after Medicated Tissue Conditioning as the final step. At that point, your mouth will be reassessed and specific oral hygiene instructions will be given. Remaining build-up will be removed, usually without the need of either topical or local anesthetic, to ensure successful treatment.

Medicated Tissue Conditioning is not a one-step treatment, but more of a process. To obtain optimal success, there are three crucial parts to follow through:

  1. Initial Medicated Tissue Conditioning
  2. Effective and consistent home care
  3. Routine professional maintenance appointments.

Your part is to ensure that you follow through and spend the necessary time with the home care steps provided by your dentist. Routine maintenance appointment will be arranged for you at a frequency that best suits you.

Your gums are the foundation of your radiant smile, protect them with Medicated Tissue Conditioning.

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