Determining Your Candidacy for Porcelain Veneers

by U Shine Dental � Maple-Vaughan | Oct 2, 2018

Determining Your Candidacy for Porcelain Veneers.

Perfectly-aligned and porcelain-white teeth are the end-goal for oral health aficionados around the world. A healthy smile is one of the most attractive facial features a person can have, being both visually appealing, and an indication of immaculate oral hygiene. Unfortunately, many people suffer from minor imperfections and spacing issues that no amount of frantic tooth-brushing can fix. The good news is that all hope is not lost. In fact, more and more people today are turning to cosmetic dentistry as a safe and effective way of achieving their aesthetic goals with a smile make-over. Porcelain veneers can correct a wide range of aesthetic issues, and last upwards of 15 years if handled with care. The response to this treatment has been tremendous, with testimonials speaking excitedly about new found confidence and social comfort.

Am I a candidate for porcelain veneers?

There are very few restrictions for candidacy. Treatment can range from a full smile make-over, to the improvement of a single tooth. The only major restriction that candidates face is age; the patients’ teeth must be fully grown before treatment can be pursued. This typically happens between ages 16 and 20yrs +.

The best candidates for veneers are those who are seeking a permanent solution to their problem. Since the application process often involves the removal of enamel from the tooth to make room for the porcelain coating, candidates for veneers must ensure that this a treatment they are prepared to pursue and maintain for the rest of their life.

Are porcelain veneers my best treatment option?

Veneers are likely your best option for correcting mildly crooked, chipped, gapped, and eroded teeth. Dental bonding is another suitable option for gapped and chipped teeth, but veneers are often recommended because of their more realistic appearance.

If you are looking to combat discolouration resulting from surface stains, tooth whitening may be a better option. Whitening is cheaper, and also impermanent, allowing you to pursue veneers later in life if you so choose, whereas the decision to implement veneers is final.